Welcome to the Coastal Studies for Girls community!

Each year, 30 girls come from across the country and around the world to spend one semester of their sophomore year on the beautiful coast of Maine. Together, they dive into an extraordinary academic experience rooted in experiential learning, girl-centered community, and deep connection to the natural world.

We are excited that you are interested in learning more and invite you to explore CSG from wherever you are.

For a closer look at the CSG semester, please fill out an online inquiry form. We welcome visitors all year round. Stop in at one of our open houses, or call 207-865-9700 to schedule a campus tour. We travel to conferences and school fairs in New England and beyond, and we hope you will join us at one of our upcoming off-campus events. Feel free to contact us if we are traveling to town near you, we would be happy to sit down with you in your favorite coffee shop while we are in your area.

When you are ready to apply, you can find application materials and instructions for applying here.

Of course, you are always welcome to contact us directly at 207-865-9700 or by emailing info@coastalstudiesforgirls.org.

A semester at CSG is an unforgettable adventure. We look forward to guiding you through the first steps of your journey.

-The CSG Admissions Team