
Here at Coastal Studies for Girls, our mission is clear. And we are PASSIONATE about it!

Immersed in a powerful combination of science and leadership education, CSG inspires girls and women to create joyful lives, vibrant communities, and a more connected world.

The tenth grade girls who make a choice to attend CSG are strong, creative, willing, intelligent, curious and capable, though they often don’t realize this until they’ve spent a semester with us here on the Maine coast.

And they are often searching for something more. Something to spark their hearts, their minds, their bodies and their souls. They find it here. The dedicated students and staff who call The Little Yellow Farmhouse their HOME are all here because they have something to give and something to get from being immersed in this amazing community. Because it ignites the way we think, the way we view ourselves, the way we engage with others and the way in which we approach opportunity and our responsibility to the world.

You are gifted. You are capable. And there is no time like the present to “press pause” and take a moment to reflect on who you are and what you are all about. In this fast paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the media or in what others think. CSG provides a time and a place, during your tenth grade year – when it is most critical – to immerse yourself IN yourself, IN community, and IN the world around you in a way you’ve never done before. And we’ll guarantee that something will shift for you. That something is different for each of our students. Consider joining us to find out what message is here for YOU.

There is JOY in creating a fulfilling, self-directed life.

There is VIBRANCY in communities who realize that together we can make the world a better place.

It is ESSENTIAL, now more than ever, with the systems of our social and natural world in crisis – that we become more connected.

CSG will challenge you. CSG will inspire you. CSG will support you. And once you become a member of the CSG family, you’ll forever be a Triumphant Girl, and we’ll stay in touch with you, cheering you on as you tackle the next chapter of your ever-evolving journey to a joyful life. Check out our video on the home page if you haven’t already. View the Facebook posts from current and past students and their families, friends and teachers. Spend some time with our Blog, all written by CSG girls and archived for you because their stories and inspiration will give you an inside look into the transformational experience that is Coastal Studies for Girls.

Come visit. See for yourself why this one of a kind place is so magical.

We cannot wait to hear from you.

Pam Erickson
Founder/Executive Director